Survival Options for Video Professionals

Survival options for video professionals – 5 ideas to start making quick cash during a pandemic.
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Survival Options for Video Professionals

Show Notes

December 1, 2020

The face of video production has changed because of this pandemic –the usual productions are down, unemployment is up and we’re all trying to find ways to make ends meet. You may have even lost your full time job and looking to use your video skills as a temporary backup to start bringing in some income for yourself or your family.

The new pandemic world has different needs when it comes to video….you’re questions and emails to me personally are so telling…you’re not seeing the opportunities as clear as you should in this new world…but they’re there hidden right in front of you.

It’s important to know where the opportunities are…where the “food’ is.

On this edition of the DV show podcast, we’re doing two things to lead you to the promised land where the big buffet is

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