Email Large Video Files with These Services

Jake asks: I’m finding myself wanting to send a movie clip or a graphic file in advance of the gig so I can do some work on it. Sometimes I have a “work in progress” clip or image that I need approval on, or comments on and I don’t have time to send the client a digital file. What services can I use to email large media files to myself or clients?

Answer: The easiest way to access large media files is from within the cloud. You’re able to upload and store any kind of media and simply access it from anywhere with a link or by just logging in to one of the many services on the market. This link explains more.

But it sounds like you just want to email large files. Even though most modern email services will accept files up to approx. 10MegaBytes (MB) or higher, it’s still a bit hit or miss sending large email attachments.

There are a number of web services that let you upload a file and send large files.


YouSendIt is currently the most popular large-file transmission service. They have plugins that allows you to send large files directly from your favorite software applications including Final Cut Pro:

1. Start Final Cut Pro and select a project that you want to send.

2. Choose Export > Send by YouSendIt from the File menu or Control-click on one of your files and choose “Export > Send by YouSendIt from the contextual menu.

3. Make any changes to the media assets, then click Export.

4. This launches Express. Enter your email address and password to sign in.

5. After you sign in, enter the email address of the recipient and optional subject and message.

6. Click the ‘SEND IT’ button to send the files. A progress bar will be displayed showing the file upload progress.


Bigfilebox gives you a simple, safe and privately branded space to transfer big files and collections of files online.

After you upload the file, the recipient gets an email with a link to download the file. The file is good for 5 days or 20 downloads, whichever comes first.


Lets you send files with no size limit via email for free, while paid accounts offer many amenities and can be used to send and receive large files in a branded manner through a web site, for example.


SEND6 lets you send and track files up to easily without registering, but you can opt for registered and paid accounts including secure connections, online storage, an address book and branding, too. makes it easy to deliver larger files to email recipients, and the files can even be protected with a password.

Unfortunately, files sent through are available to be downloaded by the recipient for a few days.


MailBigFile is a fast and simple way to send moderately large files to a single email recipient. A pro version allows for larger files and more downloads as well as secure connections, but you still cannot password-protect your files.


Free 14-day trial based on the service you’re interested in.


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