How to make eye contact on zoom

Make eye contact on Zoom

Making eye contact on Zoom is not the same as making face to face eye contact – the impact seems to be gone in a virtual world.

Eye contact is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to make a person feel recognized, understood and validated. The simple act of holding someone’s gaze — whether it’s a new client, an current client, a prospective employer or an old friend —

  • Eye contact has the power to ignite or deepen a relationship
  • Eye contact makes your words more memorable
  • Eye contact and movement helps people notice and remember you
  • Eye contact makes you more trusting
  • Eye contact creates and deepens attraction.

Why lose this power when on Zoom?

Well, all is not lost. A pro videographer has been working for years trying to find a simple solution to the problem of unnatural eye contact in virtual meetings – and he finally found it.

Just looking into your webcam to mimick making eye contact with another person on Zoom is not the same as the solution he presents. Sure, your clients think you’re looking them in the eye, but you’re at a loss because you can’t see their reaction. Making natural eye contact is important for connecting and truly reacting with other human beings.

His three piece, DIY, inexpensive system, makes it possible for coaches, consultants, therapists and other service businesses to create a true personal connection with their clients who are on the other end of a Zoom call.

Video with instructions found here:

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